Make Uttar Pradesh the best destination for Higher Education under the flagship of Project for Excellence in Higher Learning
and Education in UP (PEHLE - UP).
Onboard 1000 colleges of Uttar Pradesh for skill-based courses to increase the employability of students. Streamline the processes for Sector
Skill Councils as well as colleges and declare a Plan of Action to make a credit transfer mechanism for students.
To narrow down the gap between schools and higher education institutions of Uttar Pradesh by increasing the
interaction between them.
To gain NAAC accreditation for all universities in the next 3 years
To have at least 25% of colleges accredited by NAAC within the next 3 years.
To plan for undertaking extensive faculty development programmes, including
academic leadership.

Role of CRISP
Assist in Higher Education and ensure the following goals are met.
- Improve the ranking of 100 colleges. Aim for at least 25 of them to be in top-200 colleges in India.
- Develop courses and internships oriented for the job market.
- Set up innovation councils in 1000 colleges to promote innovation.
- Ensure at least 25% colleges accredited.
- Implement major goals of NEP2020
MoU with Uttar Pradesh
We’re delighted to announce that
CRISP has signed MoU with the Govt. of Uttar Pradesh to transform
higher education
in Uttar Pradesh and implement the PHELE-UP project.
Uttar Pradesh
Social Impact
Higher Education

Action Plan
1. National Institute Ranking Framework:- Objective as per MoU – Work along with UP Academic Cell for Ranking Accreditation and Monitoring (UPACRAM) and identify 100 colleges for a focused action plan to promote them in NIRF national rankings so that 25 of them will reach national ranks in two years and 50 in 4 years.
2. Research on Government Colleges :- The purpose of the study is to identify the external and internal factors responsible for the deterioration of these institutions. There is a need to understand these issues in depth, generally and particularly in relation to individual institutions, so that a roadmap and an agenda for reform may be prepared for the institutions to bring them to par with the best institutions of Uttar Pradesh.
3. NAAC :- NAAC Accreditation focuses on improving quality of education in Higher Education institutions. It Focuses on assessment of institutions through combination of self and external quality evaluation based on its criteria and benchmarks.
4. Faculty Development and Leadership Programs :- Faculty development and leadership Programs is one of the focus points of National Education Policy,2020. FDPs conducted currently lack robust quality monitoring system, resulting the outcome of the programs remains unknown. Faculties undergo FDPs mostly for the appraisals and thus learning and skill development is compromised.
5. Implementation of National Education Policy 2020 :- To implement the National Education Policy (NEP) in Uttar Pradesh, the Higher Education Department issued separate Government Orders (GOs). The department monitors progress by collecting monthly data from universities and sharing it with the CRISP-UP team. However, there have been delays in data sharing from universities, and the team is working on solutions.
6. Innovation and Entrepreneurship :- There are 261 Institute Innovation Councils (IICs) in the colleges under the UP Higher Education Department (UPHED), registered with the Ministry of Education’s Innovation Cell (MIC). The MIC has classified the IICs into three categories, based on their consistent performance in IIC 3.0, 4.0, and 5.0 Calendar Activities. Among these, 12 have been recognized as high-performing, 43 are moderately performing, and the remaining 206 are inactive.
7. Promoting research in UP HEIs :- Uttar Pradesh offers two research funding initiatives: the Research and Development Scheme (up to ₹4 crore) for experienced researchers in government and aided colleges, and the Centre of Excellence scheme directly funding specific college departments. CRISP-UP evaluates the Research and Development Scheme, proposing improvements and the Fellowship for Young Research Faculty Excellence (FYRE fellowship) to enhance research opportunities for young faculty.
8. Tech-driven education :-As of February 2024, only 0.8% of ABC accounts in the state have credit data, which falls well below the national average of 5.07%. There are currently 60 Local Chapters (LCs) registered in Uttar Pradesh under the UP Higher Education Department. Of these, only 11 are active, while the remaining 49 are inactive. The UP Higher Education Department has already issued Government Orders (GOs) allowing transfers of up to 20% of credits from online courses. The CRISP-UP team has held discussions with the department regarding the need to issue a directive for setting up NPTEL local chapters in all government and aided institutions.
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Uttar Pradesh Team

Sitaram Janardan Kunte
Worked as Spl Chief Secretary Govt of Maharashtra, expertise in formulation, implementation and monitoring of Government policies spanning across various sectors. Read more...

R. Subrahmanyam
Secretary to Government of India departments of Higher Education and Social Justice Read more...

Balraj Chauhan
Member, Committee for Reforms in Criminal Laws. Former President of Indian Society of Criminology. Read more...

She is an Architect and Planner. She has a Masters degree in Planning with specialization in Environmental Planning from School of Planning & Architecture, New Delhi, 2021 with Bachelor's degree in Architecture from MITS, Gwalior, 2017. Read more...