The outputs of CRISP for a five-year period are estimated as per the details in the Table-1 given below. It is expected that 125 consultancies and 100 evaluations/studies will be conducted in the period till Dec 2026. For this purpose, the required technical persons will be engaged as stated in the Table. The above estimation of the outputs is subject to receiving invitations for consultancy/study.

programme of action
Position Number of Projects
2022 (Nov - Dec) 2023 2024 2025 Total
Number of Projects taken up 10 20 30 40 100
Number of evaluations to be done 5 15 20 30 70
Number of meetings and workshops 5 30 40 60 135
Reports and publications 0 5 10 15 30
Total Deliverables / Outputs 20 70 100 145 335