Page 8 - CRISP-Newsletter-Feb-2024
P. 8

          The  analyses  and  interpretation  of  data  makes  it  very   need  to  be  strengthened  and  access  to  easy  finance
          evident  that  women  entrepreneurs  encountered          should be available to encourage entrepreneurship.
          challenges   especially   technical   followed   by
          entrepreneurial  or  business  challenges  and  then  by   c.  Encouragement of entrepreneurship amongst women
          social or personal problems.                              - Efforts need to be made at a larger scale to improve
                                                                    the position of rural women entrepreneurs in society.
          c)  Awareness about government schemes:                   Skill development aligned with local industries should
                                                                    be institutionalised to encourage entrepreneurship at
          It is evident from the data that awareness levels of the   scale.
          respondents is really poor. Apart from the exception of
          a few schemes such as the Prime Minister’s Employment   d.  Schemes, incentives and promotional measures need
          Generation Programme (PMEGP), self-help programmes        to be customised to the needs of women entrepreneurs
          for  women  at  DAY-NRLM,  Khadi  and  Industries         and  be  publicised  so  as  to  increase  awareness  and
          Commission (KVIC), and the Annapurna programme they       issues  of  accessibility.  Investments  need  to  be  made
          have not heard of other schemes and their associated      towards creating awareness on entrepreneurship and
          benefits. This means that despite of presence of schemes,    young women should be given opportunities.
          there are issues of accessibility due to lack of awareness.

           Conclusion and Suggestions:

           a.  Rural  women’s  entrepreneurship  has  played  a
              significant role in addressing the scarcity of jobs and
              the unemployment problem. It is also an important
              part  of  the  economic  policy  of  the  country  (Dr.
              Rajkhowa.M,  2020).  It  has  become  important  to
              foreground the needs of women entrepreneurs and
              also work at the District level to identify produce that
              suits different districts of Meghalaya. Another issue
              that needs to be addressed is the lack of availability
              of raw materials, both these aspects are intertwined
              and  programs  need  to  incentivise  the  availability
              of  raw  materials  and  simultaneously  encourage
              entrepreneurial activities.
           b.  Strengthening  of  local  institutions:  Training
              institutions in the state need to be better equipped
              to  address  the  challenges  faced  by  women
              entrepreneurs. The trainings need to help women to
              increase their work knowledge, risk-taking abilities
              and capacities. They should also be able to extend
              monitoring support over a period of time to ensure
              quality  products  and  service  delivery  from  the
              entrepreneurs.  In  addition  to  these  bank  linkages

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