Page 6 - CRISP-Newsletter-Feb-2024
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improve the quality of life for individuals, families and c. To find out the awareness of the various Governmental
communities and to sustain a healthy economy and schemes by rural women entrepreneurs.
Approach/Methodology of the Study
However, consideration needs to be given to the
problems and challenges that contemporary women a. Sample: Snowball sampling procedure has been
entrepreneurs face specifically. This study aims to adopted for the study. First category includes 50
provide a thorough picture of the factors that inspire women SHGs entrepreneurs attending the Saras Fair
women to start their own enterprises, the challenges held by NRLM from 22nd May-31st May 2023. The
they experience, and their awareness of the many second category of sample included 50 SHGs women
government efforts that can support them in order to entrepreneurs suggested by the first group women
narrow the aforementioned gaps. After extensive related SHGs Entrepreneurs.
literature on the different objectives of the study, the b. Methodology: The study is based on exploratory
study also considered the Push and Pull Factor theory research framework as it tries to explore the challenges
of entrepreneurship as a theoretical framework to guide faced by women entrepreneurship in rural Meghalaya.
the present study. Both qualitative and quantitative data were collected in
order to justify the objectives of the study.
Objectives of the study c. Tools: Self-made structured interview schedule with
close ended questions have been used for collecting
a. To find out the factors motivating women primary data for the present study.
entrepreneurs in rural areas of Meghalaya. d. Methods and procedures: Interview method has been
b. To study the challenges faced by rural women adopted by the investigator to collect data from the
entrepreneurs in Meghalaya. respondents.
Analysis and Interpretation of Data:
a) Factors motivating the women to become entrepreneurs
The table makes it very evident that women entrepreneurs are more motivated by pull factors to become
entrepreneurs in rural areas of Meghalaya.