Page 8 - CRISP MAASAM_ Jan Newsletter Content B
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NSS  Volunteers were  reminded of
 their moral duty to act passionately
 and compassionately, contributing to
 a safer and more sustainable society
 for future generations.

              schools, a key recommendation,                 exposure  visit  to  Telangana  was
              has been placed before the State               conducted to study the Stree Nidhi
              Education       Commission        in           Model, and a draft proposal is awaiting
 Emphasis was placed on NSS Volun-  September.  The  Government  has   approval. Additional measures include
 teers actively creating a better future   embraced these initiatives, and   doubling the income of SHG women in
 now, serving as agents for transfor-  CRISP's   recommendations   are   three years, leveraging MGNREGA funds
 mative change in Meghalaya.  currently under study.         for asset-building, and training SHGs for
                                                             active   participation    in   Sustainable
              NEP 2020 Implementation:                       Development  Goals  (SDGs).  CRISP  has
              Focused Initiatives for Quality                adopted three  villages, creating a
              Education                                      hub-and-spoke model for broader
              CRISP's  involvement  extends  to
              the  effective  implementation  of              Meghalaya Advancement through
              the  National  Education  Policy               Resurgence in Welfare,
              (NEP)  2020.  Recommendations                  Empowerment and Livelihood
              include    launching     the    FLN            (MARVEL)
              (Foundational      Literacy     and
              Numeracy)  with  specific  targets              CRISP  recommends  a  5-year  Mission
              and  timelines,  introducing  Early            Mode program called MARVEL, focusing
              Childhood  Care  and  Education                on     welfare,    empowerment,        and
              (ECCE)  through  trained  teachers,            livelihood.    The    proposal    outlines
              and aligning the assessment                    comprehensive          strategies       for
              system with NEP 2020. CRISP also               sustainable development in Meghalaya.
              emphasizes     reducing     dropout            CRISP's  Engagement  with Planning
              rates     through       community              Department for SDG Localization
                                                             Dr.  Minnette  Ireen  Passah,  CRISP  State
                                                             Lead Meghalaya, delivered a lecture
            Teacher Capacity Building for                    during     the    "One-day     Orientation
 In  a  significant  stride  towards  holistic   Quality Teaching – Learning  Programme   On   Sustainable
 development, CRISP (Center for Research in                  Development  Goals"  on  December  4,
 Schemes   and   Policies)   inked   a   Under the banner of "Teacher Capacity   2023.  Emphasizing  the  role  of  NSS
 Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) with   Building   for   Quality   Teaching   –   volunteers as ambassadors of SDGs, the
 the  Government  of  Meghalaya  on  Learning,"   CRISP   advocates   for   lecture urged proactive involvement in
 December 5, 2022, signaling a commitment   structured pedagogy. A workshop held   achieving transformative change. NSS
 to bring  about  positive changes  in  the   in September 2023 resulted in the   volunteers  were  encouraged  to
 state's education and rural development   development of sample lesson plans by   champion  social  cohesion,  inspire
 sectors.   teachers.  To  address  the  issue  of           behavioral  changes,  and  contribute  to
            teachers     lacking    academic      and        the  "data  revolution"  required  for  SDG
 Education Overhaul: Strengthening and   professional   qualifications,   a   pilot   success.
 Organizational Restructuring  project  proposal  spanning  three  years
            has been submitted to the Government.
 Recognizing the need for an overhaul in
 Meghalaya's  education  system,  CRISP's   Rural Development: SHG Bank and
 scoping report highlighted critical issues in   Sustainable Livelihoods
 the  school  education  department.  The
 proposed project, titled "Strengthening and   CRISP's   involvement   in   rural
 Organizational Restructuring of the School   development  centers on  organizing
 Education  System,"  aims  to  address   Self-Help Groups (SHGs) into a SHG Bank
 teacher-related challenges and streamline   to  provide  essential  credit.  A  joint
 the  administration.  The  consolidation  of

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