Page 13 - CRISP MAASAM_ Jan Newsletter Content B
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Transforming Gram Panchayat Libraries                                                                                                                                                                         A grant of 264 crore rupees from the Ministry of
                                                                                                                                                                                                                             Finance, Government of India, resulting from a
                in Rural Karnataka                                                                                                                                                                                           CRISP proposal, supports these initiatives.

                                                                                                                                                                                                                             Future Plans
                                                                                                                                                                                                                             In the upcoming months, the team is planning
                                                                                                                                                                                                                             to conduct a comprehensive outcome evaluation
                                                                                                                                                                                                                             of the libraries and to pilot certain best practices.
                                                                                                                                                                                                                             This includes facilitation of establishing Library
                                                                                                                                                                                                                             Management Committees, supporting the
                                                                                                                                                                                                                             committee in organizing digital literacy and
                                                                                                                                                                                                                             financial skill development sessions to Self-Help
                                                                                                                                                                                                                             Group members, and conducting constitutional
                                                                                                                                                                                                                             literacy sessions for students.

               Rooted in the Karnataka Libraries Act of        NGO Partnerships
               1965, the state boasts a robust network
               of public libraries across various              NGOs like Sikshana Foundation,
               administrative levels, including Gram           CMCA,  Akanksha  Trust,  and  others
               Panchayats. In 2019, these libraries were       actively support library services by
               shifted to the Department of Rural              providing    infrastructure,   librarian
               Development and Panchayat Raj (RDPR)            training, and organizing various
               to ensure direct oversight of libraries at      activities. with support from Sikshana
               the  Gram  Panchayat  level.  Currently,        Foundation and various grants from
               with 5895 GP libraries, these institutions      Taluk  Panchayats/Zilla  Panchayats,
               contribute    significantly    to   literacy,    5447    libraries   have    undergone
               education,  and  cultural  enrichment  in       digitization, equipped with digital
               rural areas.                                    tools     such      as      computers,
                                                               smartphones,      laptops    etc.   and
               Department Initiatives                          accessibility       features         for                                                                                                                      Empowering Mothers and Nurturing
                                                               differently-abled individuals.                                                                                                                                 Futures:
               RDPR actively promotes library services                                                                                                                                                                       Provision  of  effective  day care for young
               through campaigns like Oduva Belaku             CRISP's Impactful Evaluations                                                                                                                                 children is essential as it provides support to
               (The  Light  of  Reading  -  focused  on                                                                                                                                                                      both mothers and young children. Lack of
               reintegrating children into studies post        CRISP  conducted  two  concurrent                                                                                                                             proper day-care services (crèches) is, often,
               Covid  pandemic),  Gatti  Odu  Abhiyana         evaluations,  studying  the  impact  of                                                                                                                       a deterrent for women to go out and work.
               (aimed  at  nurturing  reading  habits          NGO      interventions      and     the                                                                                                                       Expanding  quality  childcare  can  yield
               among students), and Chinnara Chithara          effectiveness  of  digitization.  The                                                                                                                          multi-generational impacts by promoting
               Abhiyana  (geared  towards  encouraging         findings  led  to  significant  actions,                                                                                                                        equity and improving women’s employment
               creativity   and    imagination    among        including plans for new libraries in                                                                                                                          and productivity, child outcomes, and over-
               children    through    artworks).    These      villages located way from the main                                                                                                                            all economic development.Recognizing this,
               programs,  addressing  post-pandemic            Gram  Panchayat  village  where  the                                                                                                                          the Government  of Karnataka introduced
               learning, reading habits, and creativity        library is located, extension of library                                                                                                                      "Koosina  Mane,"  an  initiative  to  pilot  62
               among children, have seen substantial           hours  to  accomodate  student  users                                                                                                                         crèches  in  Gram  Panchayats,  aligning  with
               participation,  with  over  4.5  million        beyond school hours and extensive                                                                                                                             the  National  Rural  Employment  Guarantee
               children enrolled through Oduva Belaku.         training programs for librarians.                                                                                                                             Act  (NREGA)  and  the  Women  and  Child

                                                                                                                                                                                                                             Development (WCD) Department.

                                     CRISP MAASAM | JAN | PAGE 13

                                                                      operational.  Each  district  is  actively
                                                                      involved in worker training, aiming
                                                                      for  immediate  crèche  operations

                                                                      CRISP's Role:
                                                                      CRISP  will  provide  valuable  field
                                                                      insights   on    crèche    operations,
                                                                      worker training, service demand,
                                                                      convergence between departments,
                                                                      and  overall  crèche  functioning.  The
                                                                      team plans to conduct process moni-
                                                                      toring, attending weekly review
                                                                      meetings to address challenges and
                                                                      recommend adjustments.

                 Scale-Up and Budget Allocation:                      Anticipated Impact:
                 With a target of establishing 4000 crèches by        As the  initiative  unfolds,  CRISP's
                 the end of the current financial year, Karnata-       involvement ensures effective imple-
                 ka allocated 40 crores in the annual budget          mentation,    contributing    to   the
                 2023-’24.  CRISP  was  assigned  the  responsi-      success of Koosina Mane in trans-
                 bility of conducting concurrent evaluation of        forming childcare and fostering
                 the  pilot  crèches.  The  team  presented  its      holistic development in Karnataka.
                 recommendations,  which  were  integrated
                 into  the  implementation  of  the  expansive
                 phase involving 4000 crèches.

                 Current Progress:
                 As of December 22, 2023, 3117 crèches have
                 set up infrastructure, 11,153 workers com-
                 pleted training, and 891 crèches are already
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