Page 20 - CRISP MAASAM_ Jan Newsletter Content B
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targeted Faculty Development Programs
(FDPs). A focused webinar and collabora-
tion with PMMMNMTT Centers in Telan-
gana aim to enhance faculty capacities in
10 identified domains.
7. Apprenticeship Embedded Degree
Programs (AEDPs):
CRISP facilitated the implementation of
AEDPs in Telangana, signing MoUs with
Sector Skill Councils (SSCs). A total of
1160 students in 26 colleges are part of
AEDPs, fostering industry-relevant skills
and employability.
8. CRISP Advisory Board Visit:
The Advisory Board visited AEDP colleges,
expressing appreciation and endorsing
1. Promoting Excellence: rative support. Offering guidance on the scalability of the initiative. CRISP's
NAAC processes and NIRF submissions, plan for upscaling AEDPs in 2024-25
Under the "Promoting Excellence" CRISP anticipates a positive outcome, aligns with its commitment to enhancing
project, CRISP is actively enhancing leveraging the college's experience. student employability.
the ranking, accreditation, and course
curriculum of Higher Education Insti- 4. National Institutional Ranking
tutions (HEIs) in Telangana. The gov- Framework (NIRF):
ernment's efforts include academic
reforms, governance initiatives, and CRISP identified potential colleges for 9. Research & Innovation:
equity-focused strategies. CRISP iden- NIRF 2024 ranking and conducted a Encouraging research among Conventional
tified 100 institutions for NIRF and 400 workshop in collaboration with the Com- Degree Colleges, CRISP transforms Exten-
for NAAC, aligning with the goal to missionerate of Collegiate Education. sion and Outreach activities into research
uplift 500 institutions to excellence. Interaction on NIRF parameters, sub-pa- proposals. The Fellowship for Young Facul-
Initiatives like free education for girls, rameters, and strategic analysis empow- ty for Research Excellence (FYRE) initiative
low-cost education, and outreach ered 25 colleges. Post-workshop, CRISP aims to boost faculty research productivity.
programs aim to improve access and provided individualized support and facil-
quality in higher education. itated a dedicated session for RBVRR 10. PM USHA Initiative:
Women’s College. CRISP conducted a workshop on applying
2. National Assessment and Accred- to Pradhan Mantri Uchchatar Shiksha Abhi-
itation Council (NAAC): 5. Course Assessment: yan (PM-USHA) for universities and govern-
Assessing courses for relevance and ment degree colleges. Multiple workshops,
Collaborating with Telangana State effectiveness is crucial for promoting guidance documents, and review sessions
Council of Higher Education (TSCHE), excellence. CRISP, in collaboration with supported colleges in proposal submis-
CRISP identified 230+ potential TSCHE and universities, is evaluating and sions.
private unaided colleges for NAAC updating courses based on market
accreditation. Guidance tools and requirements. Ten programs, emphasiz- This collaborative journey reflects CRISP's
state-wise NAAC performance reports ing undergraduate courses, are being commitment to reshaping Telangana's
were developed, supporting the mapped to high-performing universities' higher education landscape through stra-
accreditation process. curriculum. tegic initiatives, innovative programs, and
3. Handholding of Colleges for Pro- 6. Teacher Assessment & Faculty Devel- continuous support to institutions.
moting Excellence: opment:
CRISP's survey questionnaire to faculty in
CRISP's engagement with RBVRR Apprenticeship Embedded Degree
Women’s College exemplifies collabo- Programs (AEDPs) colleges informed