Page 19 - CRISP MAASAM_ Jan Newsletter Content B
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CRISP is Promoting Excellence in higher education targeted Faculty Development Programs
sector in Telangana (FDPs). A focused webinar and collabora-
tion with PMMMNMTT Centers in Telan-
Telangana gana aim to enhance faculty capacities in
10 identified domains.
7. Apprenticeship Embedded Degree
CRISP Telangana team
presenting HEIGHTS Action Plan Programs (AEDPs):
to Secretary, Edn Dept. on
01.08.2023 CRISP facilitated the implementation of
AEDPs in Telangana, signing MoUs with
Sector Skill Councils (SSCs). A total of
1160 students in 26 colleges are part of
AEDPs, fostering industry-relevant skills
and employability.
8. CRISP Advisory Board Visit:
The Advisory Board visited AEDP colleges,
expressing appreciation and endorsing
1. Promoting Excellence: rative support. Offering guidance on the scalability of the initiative. CRISP's
NAAC processes and NIRF submissions, plan for upscaling AEDPs in 2024-25
Under the "Promoting Excellence" CRISP anticipates a positive outcome, aligns with its commitment to enhancing
project, CRISP is actively enhancing leveraging the college's experience. student employability.
the ranking, accreditation, and course
curriculum of Higher Education Insti- 4. National Institutional Ranking
tutions (HEIs) in Telangana. The gov- Framework (NIRF):
ernment's efforts include academic
reforms, governance initiatives, and CRISP identified potential colleges for
equity-focused strategies. CRISP iden- NIRF 2024 ranking and conducted a
tified 100 institutions for NIRF and 400 workshop in collaboration with the Com-
for NAAC, aligning with the goal to missionerate of Collegiate Education.
uplift 500 institutions to excellence. Interaction on NIRF parameters, sub-pa-
Initiatives like free education for girls, rameters, and strategic analysis empow-
low-cost education, and outreach ered 25 colleges. Post-workshop, CRISP
programs aim to improve access and provided individualized support and facil-
quality in higher education. itated a dedicated session for RBVRR
Women’s College.
2. National Assessment and Accred-
itation Council (NAAC): 5. Course Assessment:
Assessing courses for relevance and
Collaborating with Telangana State effectiveness is crucial for promoting
Council of Higher Education (TSCHE), excellence. CRISP, in collaboration with
CRISP identified 230+ potential TSCHE and universities, is evaluating and
private unaided colleges for NAAC updating courses based on market
accreditation. Guidance tools and requirements. Ten programs, emphasiz-
state-wise NAAC performance reports ing undergraduate courses, are being
were developed, supporting the mapped to high-performing universities'
accreditation process. curriculum.
3. Handholding of Colleges for Pro- 6. Teacher Assessment & Faculty Devel-
moting Excellence: opment:
CRISP's survey questionnaire to faculty in
CRISP's engagement with RBVRR Apprenticeship Embedded Degree
Women’s College exemplifies collabo- Programs (AEDPs) colleges informed